1909 circa
1909 Room II
1909 circa
Raymond Weeks, front row second from left. Fern Weeks, far right-first row of girls,
Hester Weir, second from left on the first row of girls.
Photo contributed by Charlotte Weeks Hall.
as written in a student's notebook (Edith Boxwell)
Mabel McClelland
Guy Fox
Elnea Teague
Otto Bradbury
Minnie Hubbard
Abba Gunther
Nora Ehruman
Viola Lewis
Roy Allsbury
Bessie Boner
Alma Carmichael
Clyde Smith
Nellie Morris
Walther Hubbard
Ethel Robbins
Bessie Duncan
Lena Holton
Bertha Carmichael
Edith Robbins
Ruth Hines
Nita Bowman
Lena Miller
Roy Bayless
Evah Bowman
Ralph Cather
Ethel Hickman
Vella Jordan
Leona Beagle
Elsie Jinkens
Myrl Keylock
Lula Hines
Macie Moss
May Petefish
Ray Needles
Earnest Eddy
Orval Clark
Frank Rose
Herbert Teague
Sarah Foster
Inez Hines
8th GRADE, 1907-1908 MR. MORGAN, Teacher
Myrtle Paulsen
Ray Needles
Ethel Hickman
Ruth Hines
Bessie Duncan
Lena Miller
Myrl Keylock
Leona Beagle
Macie Moss
Evah Bowman
Herbert Teague
Edith Boxwell
Class List 1908
Sarah Foster
Ethel Robbins
Inez Hines
Nita Bowman
Nell Morris
Katheryn Bird
Alma Carmichael
Lena Miller
Commencement Exercises 1912
The commencement exercises held at the First M. E. Church Thursday night were well
attended. Those in class were: Iva Warren, Lavina Hawthorne, Mildred Lewis, Lucile Teter,
Stella Mink, Lena Wright, Francis Moore, Fern Weston, Lela Ferguson, Errol Elliott, Carlyle
Driesbach and Willie Gilbert.
The eight grade exercises were held Wednesday night in the high school room. Those in
this class were Gene Ferguson, Verna Wheeler, Lola Stevens, Sylvia Swoveland, Max Purcell,
Lucile Driesbach, Ray Crisman, Jeanette Rightswell, Edna Davis, Leonard Hubbard, Pansy
Farmer, Nellie Harrell, Eula Weston, Mildred Clark and Myrtle Carmichael. Those not absent
in the first room were Ruby Bigelow, Kenneth Carlyle, Everett Bland; in the second room,
Roy Sparr; in the third room Leona Bradfield, Mable White; fourth room, Leo White; sixth room,
Grace Carmichael. Article from The Carthage Press, May 30, 1912.